With consumers & corporations inundated with fundraising messages at every turn, it’s hard for a local organization to stand out. BWMCF came to Catalyst for event marketing support for their annual Golf outing. Armed with an updated look and feel for the event signage and program, BWMCF met their fundraising goals.
A new impact report was also developed to send to key sponsors after the event. The booklet showcased how BWMCF used the sponsors funds, all while presenting new ways in which the sponsors could increase their support. The report also served as a save the date for future events.

Why do we rely on Catalyst Communications for our design work? Their team listens, understands our objectives, and translates our thoughts into tangible, useable concepts and strategies—patiently, accurately, on time, and on budget. They’re not just an agency—they’re our business partner.”
Kathy Burk, Executive Director
Baltimore Washington Medical Center Foundation